Monday, March 10, 2008

I'm Too Tired To Spring Forward...

I understand the concept of daylight savings time, but clearly Ben Franklin did not have small children in his home when he proposed the idea to add more sunshine to the day by taking an hour away from worn out moms. I don't need more light to use my time more productively as was once suggested by the famous inventor; I need more darkness to sleep so that my time is more productive.

I lost a crucial hour of rest that will not be returned, unfortunately, until I "Fall Backward", and by then, the bags under my eyes will call my face a permanent home. This is exacerbated, of course, by all the other hours I've lost just 'cause - 'cause someone is sick, 'cause someone is scared, 'cause someone is snoring.

Small children don't enjoy the onset of DST either because it's still sunny outside when they are called inside to eat supper. Still sunny when they take their baths. And, yep, still sunny when they climb under their covers. My son Chase says it best: "It doesn't make any sense that we are going to bed when it looks like morning time and waking up when it looks like night time."

Couldn't have said it better myself. And if I could have, I was too grumpy and too tired to try.


Mom of Eleven said...

Amen sister. I have totally slept late the past two mornings. It is so dark, I can't get up.

Me said...

Well... Ben Franklin was a man. Even if there WERE kids in the house it's the women that would have had to deal with the little ones. LOL.

PS: Even though I'm dragging my butt out of bed in the morning it's AWESOME to have that sunlight at the end of the day. I'm loving it.

dear ole dad said...

Oh my gosh! When did time change?

Pam said...

Found you through Wendy. Enjoy reading about your family. I'll be back to visit again!