Because the clock in my head was screaming, "TARDY, YOU'RE GONNA GET A TARDY!", I rushed my children through normal, school morning routines, out the door and made it to school just in time to escape the headmaster's evil eye. (I'm just kidding. The headmaster really doesn't give me the evil eye. He just happens to squint his eyes at me when I wheel into the carpool line because his contacts are giving him trouble.)
Later on, I picked up Mary Mac from school and inquired about the events of her day. With hands on her hips and an incredulous look on her face, she responded, "Mommy, I can't believe you did that to me!"
"What did I do to you?" I asked.
"Well, when I was using the restroom, I looked down and couldn't believe it. I thought 'I MUST BE DREAMING, I MUST BE ASLEEP' because when you dressed me this morning you left on my pajama bottoms! I couldn't even play on the monkey bars!"
After apologizing profusely I promised Mary Mac that the next time I would joyfully take the tardy and casually throw a bottle of saline solution at the headmaster as I passed him by.
that is good stuff,
CUTE!!!! They look like shorts - she could have played on the monkey bars! :)
We did the same thing to Aaron last year. Actually I believe it was my husband who dressed him that morning. So there he was with his underwear, plus pajamas, and his khaki slacks. Aaron exhibits a little OCD,"the stars have to line up just right" behavior, so we heard all about it when we picked him up from school that afternoon. Don't we all have these kind of moments? You just have to laugh!
I almost did this on purpose a couple of mornings ago because none of K's monkey bar buddies were clean!
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