Friday, March 26, 2010

Living With Big Brothers

She was playing so nicely. Independent and imaginative, Mary Mac joyfully gathered Ken for a play date with a few of her Polly Pockets. Barbie refused to participate in the fun until Ken agreed to get a haircut. She has very high standards.

Polly soaked up a few rays while Ken set up the beach paraphernalia. He is not happy that he has to do all the work. Sweat is not good for synthetic hair.

Before he finishes, Ken realizes that the pool is empty . Mary Mac leaves the room for a large cup to provide the missing water.

"Mooommmyyyyy!" Independent play is interrupted by shrieks of outrage.

"Look what they did!" More wailing and gnashing of teeth by the six year old.

Mary Mac's brother - who has requested anonymity- accessorized the tranquil pool scene with a pair of his underwear.

In a huff, Ken leaves in search of a shirt and a place for a haircut.

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