Saturday, March 21, 2020

Quarantine Counts

After six days of sequester with two high schoolers and one college kid, I have carefully analyzed household data and quantitatively produced the following quarantine counts:

24 - Number of Little Debbie Cakes confiscated from my pantry.

24- Number of hours that transpired during said confiscation.

65 - Number of times I've heard the word bored from one of my three offspring.

65 - Number of times my head has spun into orbit upon hearing the word bored.

456 - Number of instances I've said, "Help me, Jesus" while quarantined.

456 - Number of instances I've said "Help me, Jesus" in response to a child while quarantined.

 - Number of laps taken by kids between the refrigerator and pantry doors, before boldly declaring, "We don't have ANY FOOD IN THIS HOUSE!"

7- Number of times declaration negated by orange, Cheeto residue left on both doors.

16 - Number of occasions I've asked, "Anyone want to play a game with me? Scrabble? Uno? Yahtzee?"

16 - Number of occasions teenagers/college kid replied, "No."

17 - Number of times teenagers/college kids asked, "Can I hang out at my friend's house? Or go to Zaxby's? School?"

17- Number of times I've replied, "No."

123 - Number of calls received on my phone from someone WITHIN MY OWN HOUSE.

123 - Number of calls declined  on my phone from said someone within my own house.

89 - Number of times a wayward teenager/college kid has asked, "What happened to all of the Little Debbie Cakes?!"

89 - Number of times I've blankly stared at them and said, "Help me Jesus."

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